Pansexuality is defined as a sexual orientation that recognizes that every person, regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation, deserves love.
Pansexuality affects only adults. This is due to the fact that it is defined as the willingness and ability to form relationships with any other person, regardless of their gender.
For a pansexual, there are no limits when it comes to feeling physically attracted to. Pansexual does not see a woman or a man. What matters to him is man.
Pansexuals explain that they do not want to satisfy their flaring libido, but to create a relationship with another human being due to their personality, character, passions, etc. This concept should not be confused with bisexuality.
What is pansexuality?
Pansexuality is defined as another sexual orientation (after heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual) or an ideology that recognizes that every person deserves love regardless of:
- gender,
- gender identity,
- sexual orientation.
A broader definition of this phenomenon speaks of the feeling of an emotional, psychological, intellectual and sexual bond not only with people (of indifferent sex and sexual preferences) but also with animals and other living creatures, inanimate objects, etc.
After such an image of this ideology, one could get the impression that pansexuality is correlated, inter alia, with with pedophilia, zoophilia or necrophilia . However, self-proclaimed pansexual people deny this notion of pansexuality.
And pansexuality itself – what is it actually ? According to the American LGBT grouping , pan- sexualism is defined as the willingness and ability to create relationships with any other person, regardless of gender. So it only affects adults.
From Greek, the prefix “pan” translates as “all”, and the Latin “sexus” refers to the word “sex”.
Pansexuality and sexual drive
A pansexual person has a sex drive to both:
- representatives of the same sex,
- the opposite sex,
- people identifying with their biological sex or different from theirs,
- to people of orientation: homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc.
For a pansexual there are no limits when it comes to feeling physically attracted. Interest in another person (not only in sexual terms, but also intellectually, emotionally, etc.) is born regardless of their gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.
The pan-dance sees the other man, does not see the man or woman. Therefore, she is a very open-minded person. It is estimated that there are about 1 percent of such people in the world.
Pansexuality and sexual orientation
For a pansexual person , the sexual orientation of the partner does not matter . As with gender and gender identity for pansexuals, the other person’s views on the bed are secondary or even tertiary. Many supporters of this philosophy even claim that the sexual orientation of a person they might be interested in is not important at all.
So what matters for a pansexual? Pansexuals unanimously answer: “human.”
Pansexualism a bisexualism
Pansexuality is often confused with bisexuality. Sometimes even pansexual people describe themselves as pansexual, for example, in order to introduce other people (especially those who have not come across this concept before) what their preferences are.
The difference between pansexual and bisexual is not that big.
Pansexual, as already stated, shows feelings for a person, regardless of who he is (what is his biological sex, what he or she feels, what are his sexual preferences, etc.). Thus, for a pansexual person, only a person is important, a creature that is interesting and worthy of attention and desire due to his behavior, character traits, interests, etc.
On the other hand, a bisexual has a sexual, emotional, psychological and intellectual drive towards people of the same sex or of the opposite sex. For him, the sex of the other person does not matter. Other values ​​are more important.
Famous pansexual people
Pansexuality is a fairly fresh concept, known and announced to the public only in the 21st century thanks to famous people in show business. However, this philosophy was known before. You can see its manifestations, among others in the theories of Sigmund Freud.
Pansexuality became famous thanks to the actress and singer Miley Cyrus, who described herself in one of the interviews as pansexual. She claims that she cannot define herself as a boy or girl. She does not want to be labeled as a person of a particular gender, gender identity and specific sexual orientation because she is unable to determine it herself.
Other world famous celebrities considered sexually flexible include:
- actress Kristen Stewart,
- singer of Sia,
- Lady Gaga,
- raperka Angel Haze.
Pansexuality is also attributed to Madonna.