Do you want to meet famous people under the sign of Taurus ? Here is a list of the most famous and respected people in the world or in their country of origin. Famous Bulls are distinguished by their character and achievements.
Why is it worth paying attention to famous people born in a given zodiac sign? Primarily because of their personal achievements. Very often, the history of individual famous people clearly shows the zodiacal traits that helped (or hampered) their careers. Examine their CVs and you will find out what is most beneficial for you.
The second important information is getting to know the possibilities offered by the character of a given zodiac sign. Knowing the cases of even a few people born under the same sign as you, you can more consciously manage your own fate and career. Take care of your life now and learn more about your zodiacal brothers and sisters.
Famous celebrities under the sign of Taurus
Here is a list of the most famous people born under the sign of Taurus. Use their example to see which character traits are most likely to contribute to your professional and personal success.
Salvador Dali, responsible Salvador Domenec Felip Jacint Dali i Domenech, marques de Dali de Pubol (born May 11, 1904) – Catalan painter, one of the most famous surrealists.
Zygmunt Freud (born May 6, 1856) – Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, founder of psychoanalysis.
Charlotte Bronte (born April 21, 1816) – English writer and poet.
Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) – American programmer and entrepreneur, the main creator of the Facebook social network.
Ferdinand Delacroix (born April 26, 1798) – French painter, representative of Romanticism.
Johannes Brahms (born May 7, 1833) – German composer, pianist and conductor of the Romantic period.
William Shakespeare (born April 26, 1564) – English poet, playwright, actor.
John Paul II, proper Karol Jozef Wojtyla (born May 18, 1920) – pope.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (born April 23, 1858) – German physicist; author of papers in the field of thermodynamics, energy, optics, relativity and quantum theory.
Henryk Sienkiewicz (born May 5, 1846) – Polish novelist, novelist and publicist; winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1905 for lifetime achievement.
Sugar Ray Robinson, resp. Walker Smith Jr. (born May 3, 1921) – American boxer.
David Beckham (born May 2, 1975) – English footballer.
Busta Rhymes, actually Trevor Tahiem Smith, Jr. (born May 20, 1972) – American rapper.
Cher, responsible Cherilyn Sarkisian LaPiere (born May 20, 1946) – American singer, actress, director and music producer, referred to as the “Goddess of Pop”.
Bono, real Paul David Hewson (born May 10, 1960) – Irish musician, philanthropist, leader of the rock group U2.
Actors and actresses from the sign of Taurus
Aidan Gillen, born Aidan Murphy (born April 24, 1968 in Dublin) – Irish film, television and theater actor. He portrayed Petyr Baelish in the HBO series Game of Thrones .
Rory McCann (born April 24, 1969 in Glasgow) – Scottish film and television actor. He plays the role of Sandor “Hound” Clegane in the series Game of Thrones .
Al Pacino, born Alfredo James Pacino (born April 25, 1940) – American actor.
John Joseph “Jack” Nicholson (born April 22, 1937) – American actor, director, screenwriter and film producer.
Jet Li (born April 26, 1963) – Chinese actor, champion and coach of Bush.
Audrey Hepburn (born May 4, 1929) – British actress, model and humanitarian activist.
Megan Fox (born May 16, 1986) – American actress and model, starred in the first two parts of Transformers , among others .
Penelope Cruz (born April 28, 1974) – Spanish actress, initially a dancer.
George Clooney (born May 6, 1961) – American actor, director, screenwriter and film producer.
Michelle Pfeiffer (born April 29, 1958) – American actress, film producer, model.
Pierce Brosnan (born May 16, 1953) – Irish actor and film producer.
Fred Astaire, actually Frederick Austerlitz (born May 10, 1899) – American actor, dancer, singer.
Djimon Hounsou (born April 24, 1964) is an American actor, dancer and model of Benin origin.
Famous Taurus politicians
Donald Tusk (born April 22, 1957 in Gdansk) – Polish politician and historian. Co-founder of the Civic Platform and its chairman in the years 2003-2014, in the years 2007-2014 the president of the Council of Ministers (he was the person holding the office of prime minister for the longest time in the Third Polish Republic). President of the European Council since 2014.
Andrzej Duda (born May 16, 1972 in Krakow) – Polish politician and lawyer. President of the Republic of Poland since August 6, 2015.
Harry Truman (born May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri) – American politician. In the years 1945–1953 he was the president of the United States.
Catherine II the Great (born May 2, 1729) – wife of the Grand Duke, later Russian Emperor Peter III, and after the coup d’etat, the independent empress of Russia in 1762-1796.
Elizabeth II, full name Elizabeth Alexandra Maria (born April 21, 1926) – Queen of Great Britain of the Windsor Dynasty from February 6, 1952.
Tony Blair, born Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born May 6, 1953 in Edinburgh) – British politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1997–2007.
Eva “Evita” Peron, responsible. Maria Eva Duarte de Peron (born May 7, 1919) – the second wife of Argentine President Juan Peron, political and social activist, and actress.
Malcolm X (born May 19, 1925) – the radical leader of the African-American movement in the United States.