Have you decided to go camping? What to take with you on a trip to nature? Spending time in the wilderness, by a lake, in a forest or in a mountain clearing is a great way to log out of the world. Man needs contact with nature, especially if you live in a big city and are constantly exposed to numerous stimuli, rush and stress.

A camping is also a good solution for those who prefer to stay on the sidelines of civilization on a daily basis. And how to dress for this occasion so that you are comfortable, warm and comfortable? We advise. Read this text and find out what you will need for a few days outdoors.

Are you going camping? Remember the information below!

What is a real bivouac? For true enthusiasts of communing with nature, a camping can take an extreme form, e.g. overnight at the top of a mountain or a steep slope. Most often, however, camping is defined as a form of spending time in the forest, on a meadow, by a lake or by the sea, with an overnight stay in the open air.

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You can be protected against cold and wild animals by tents, campers or other means of transport converted into residential premises. During the camping, you do not use the convenience of a hotel or agritourism farm. Moreover, wild camping is usually away from a professional campground with sanitary facilities.

So, when you go camping, you have to take care of all the infrastructure that will help you survive in the wilderness. For a trip into the unknown in a tent, you need to bring a portable kitchen or at least equipment for cooking and lighting a fire. Clothes are also extremely important, especially for the night, as well as sleeping bags, mattresses, mats and other items that will ensure a safe and comfortable sleep.

During the camping, it is worth warming up by the fire, communing with nature in total silence and enjoying the breathtaking views. Where can you go camping? According to law, a place where you can put up a tent should have access to a water intake and sanitary facilities. However, there is still some wild camping left for you.

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In such places, however, watch out for poisonous vegetation and, above all, wild animals that may come to your tent at night. The situation is different when you go camping or have your own caravan. In this way, you ensure yourself access to sanitary facilities.

What for a camping? Tips to make every camping trip a success

What to pack for a camping trip? First of all, comfortable, sports clothes that will work well in the hot sun and will protect you from the cold on a chilly night. Here are some handy tips on what to take into a tent camping and more.

1. Fleece or hoodie!

Don’t let the weather forecast fool you! Even in the middle of summer, nights can be chilly. Therefore, your suitcase or backpack should contain warm clothes. Indispensable while camping seems to protect against the cold fleece or a padded hoodie . Take a few of them just in case.

2. Comfortable pants

A camping holiday requires a lot of exercise. Therefore, choose comfortable pants. We have 2 suggestions for you: bring cargo pants with countless pockets – there you can hide all the tools you need when you are out in nature, such as a pocket knife, compass, watch, lighter. The second option necessary for camping are sweatpants . Take a few pairs of them. Trousers with inside insulation are perfect for the night.

3. Spare socks

You can never have too many warm socks on a camping trip! Remember that the feet cool down the body the fastest.

4. Shoes with a high upper

What to take for a camping trip? Shoes with a high upper are a must have! You can take hiking shoes or any other shoes. Why is it so important? When you are in the forest or in a meadow, i.e. where there are tall grass, protect the cubes against bites of insects or other creatures. In addition, dew collects on the grass – it is worth protecting your feet from getting wet.

5. Thermoactive underwear

It will be useful for you at night and on cooler days. Thanks to it you will not freeze “to the bone”. Pack thermo-active shorts or pants and a tight-fitting, functional T-shirt.

6. Shower slippers (even outdoor)

Are you planning a shower at the campsite? Or maybe you have an idea for a field shower? What to take when camping in a tent in this case? Water resistant slippers. A shower in them will be much more hygienic.

7. Rain jacket

Be prepared for any eventuality and bring a raincoat as well. Especially if you go to the mountains. The weather can change there many times an hour. So don’t be surprised.

What to take when camping? Our must have list

So let’s summarize what to take for camping when it comes to clothes? Here’s a handy checklist you can check off when packing your suitcase or backpack.

• T-shirts – take 1 for each day + a small supply, just in case.

• Thermal underwear – at least 1 pair will be useful to you.

• Comfortable sweatpants – 2 or 3 pairs depending on the length of stay.

• Cargo shorts – the more pockets, the more handy.

• Underwear – for every day.

• Socks – think about 2 or 3 days to spare.

• High-heeled shoes, flip-flops for the shower and sneakers – this set will work well at any campsite.

• Hooded / fleece sweatshirt – preferably insulated.

• Flannel shirt – also very handy when camping.

• A raincoat and preferably thermal insulation.

What is useful at a camping, apart from clothes?

Of course, clothes are only part of the luggage. What is useful for camping besides that? Very, many things. However, let’s think after the basic set.

What to take when camping in a tent?

• Cream with a UV filter,

• Baseball cap,

• A cloth handkerchief,

• Sunglasses,

• Powerbank,

• Flashlight and lamp for the tent,

• Spare batteries,

• A lighter and matches (kindling / kindling may also be useful),

• thermal insulation mat,

• A heat-insulating sleeping bag,

• A metal mug or a mess tin,

• Cutlery and a pocket knife,

• Burner,

• A handy backpack,

• Cleaning agents,

• Water filter,

• Mosquito repellent,

• A field first aid kit.

This is just the basic equipment. Real camping gadgets would also add, for example, a portable shower or a portable hammock.

Backpack packed? So we’re going camping!

A camping trip is a real fun and adventure. You can commune with wild nature and forget about civilization for a moment. What to take for a camping trip? Much depends on what means of transport you are going to and where you will sleep. When you go on a trip in your own car, or in a motorhome, you have almost unlimited space to pack all the necessary gadgets.

And when you go backpacking out into the world, your whole life must fit in a few liters. Then it is worth considering what is useful for camping and what is just unnecessary ballast. When packing your luggage for an outdoor trip, think carefully about what you may need. The most important thing is to stay warm and dry!

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