Orchids have taken our market by storm in recent years and you can often see them in the windows of blocks or houses. There are many varieties of this beautiful flowers, so there is a lot to choose from. However, the basis for enjoying their beautiful view is proper care, and the most important question is – how to water orchids?

Orchids can now be bought in virtually any flower shop or even a supermarket. Easy availability makes this striking flower one of the most frequently purchased flowers. However, these plants are not easy to maintain – the most important thing is proper watering. Before buying, it is worth getting acquainted with the rules of caring for this flower.

How to water orchids in a pot? Varieties of orchids

Orchids decorate the apartment, and their colors can be adapted to other colors of the decor. Perhaps this is why they have become so popular in recent years. A wide range of colors and a large selection of shapes make orchids one of the most-bought indoor plants . The following types are best suited for houses:

  • Miltonia (called the orchid pansy), 
  • Zygopetalum, 
  • Cambria, 
  • Cymbidium, 
  • Katleja, 
  • Dendrobium 
  • Vanda. 

They are quite easy to grow at home, so even less experienced growers can handle them. Many people often ask the question, what is the difference between an orchid and an orchid. It turns out that neither of them can be used interchangeably. The most common type is Phalaenopsis, which can often be seen on home window sills. Another is the Cattleya orchid known as the queen of orchids. It is worth knowing that orchids come from Asia and South America, but nowadays, thanks to the “in vitro” reproduction of orchids, we can enjoy their beauty in our own apartment. The miniature orchid is of particular interest. Popular types are: Stelis, Dracula, Masdevallia and Platystele. Like large specimens, they also like warmth, but cannot stand excess moisture. It’s a good idea to sprinkle them from time to time.

How often to water orchids?

How to care for orchids? There are a few rules that we should stick to in order to enjoy the beauty of these flowers as long as possible. First of all, the correct placement of the flower is important. It should have access to light, but too much sun can work against them, causing burns. Orchids do not like dark places and, if placed in the shade, they quickly deteriorate, revealing their discomfort with tarnishing of the leaves . This explains the fact why they can be seen so often on window sills. However, they like the right air humidity, which should be around 60 percent. It is worth getting an air humidifier, especially during the heating season.

An orchid in the bathroom is a good idea, provided that we have a window in it. Lack of light because the plant may sooner or later manifest with darkening of the leaves. It will also not grow. In the care it is also important to remove the fallen flowers on an ongoing basis to prevent the growth of bacteria or the appearance of pests. The optimal temperature for orchids is 20-25 ℃, while in winter 18 ℃ is enough for them.

How to water orchids?

Certainly not too often. Over-moistening causes their roots to rot quickly, so the irrigation process should be done every few days. As for orchids, watering should be done in the morning by pouring water into the saucer. Another solution is the ” orchid bath “, which we will do by placing the flower pot in the water for a few minutes. Water for orchids should be soft, free of calcium and slightly acidic. Rainwater or still tap water will work.

Caring for orchids is also about proper fertilization . Only products dedicated to these flowers should be used for this. Universal mixtures are not indicated here. Fertilization should be carried out every two weeks and only during their growth. Choosing the right soil is also important in the cultivation of orchids. It must contain bark and peat to ensure airflow – garden soil is not suitable.

When to Replant Orchids? When we notice that the roots do not fit into the pot. This should normally be done every 2 years, as the growth of the plant may make it necessary to provide more space during this time. The squeezed roots affect the condition of the entire plant.

Orchids – care after flowering

When the orchids are fading away, the first step we should take is to remove any dried leaves. It is an absolute must. How to prune orchids is also an important question . Well, the shoot on which the plant has bloomed should be trimmed, provided that there are no more flowers on it. Usually the process is in the fall. It is best to trim as close as possible to the top leaf. This treatment is important for stimulating the plant to produce stronger shoots. After flowering, the orchid should be moved to a cooler place (16-20 ℃). Under such conditions, he will be able to go into a state of rest. Orchid care after flowering is simple. During this time, watering should be limited and fertilization should be discontinued. When the plant starts producing shoots, we bring it back to its original place and increase watering.

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