There is no doubt that fingers will be the most frequently tattooed place this year. These are usually small, modest and subtle patterns, but they make an electrifying impression. They replace jewelry and, despite their small size, are eye-catching. The finger tattoos fit any style and it doesn’t matter who you are, what your profession is or what your interests are. This type of tattoo will surely delight you. Have these few sentences managed to convince you to make an extraordinary pattern on your fingers? If not, check out the specific trends that will reign in 2022. There are many designs – those tailored to the fair sex and tattoos on men’s fingers.

1. Fashionable patterns on the ring finger

ring finger tattoo

Relationships tattoos are most often made on the ring finger. It’s a great idea to show your feelings for your other half. A tattoo on a finger is also an original idea for a wedding to replace wedding rings. It symbolizes your attachment to the other person and shows that you are serious about the relationship. The ring or wedding ring can be removed, and the tattoo on the finger remains for the rest of your life. It is also a good solution if your profession does not allow you to wear jewelry on a daily basis for safety reasons. In addition, the ring finger was considered a symbol of love in ancient Rome. It was said that there was a vein of love in him that clearly ties in with the heart. A couple tattoo on the finger is a very romantic gesture.

2. Little finger and tattoo

tattoo on the finger

If you want to get a tattoo that is fashionable in 2022, do it on your little finger. It is a very creative, ethereal and sophisticated place. Small symbols, initials or patterns will perfectly match this place. Such a minimalist design is also of great importance for the tattooed person as is the large pattern on the back.

3. Candy and cute finger tattoos

women's finger tattoos

Saying that a tattoo is cute doesn’t mean it has to be pink or candy. A sweet pattern is, for example, a tattooed fruit, sweetness, a character from your favorite fairy tale. All you have to do is tell the tattoo artist what you are interested in and he will surely chew your fantasy on the body. However, if your chosen location is a finger, go for something simple and classic. A pattern that is too complicated can come out badly in such a small space.

4. Is the side of the finger a good place for a tattoo?

tattoos on the fingers of the letter

Of course it’s a good place to get a tattoo. You can safely say that even perfect. This is where the tattoo is not very visible. You usually see it when you move your fingers. It is a place for something symbolic, something important to us, and at the same time very intimate. Something that the whole world does not need to see at once. This is a mysterious place. It is also a perfect place for couples to choose. When the hands of people in love are joined, only a specific pattern is created. It is not known separately what it means.

5. Tattoo on the inside of the finger

male finger tattoos

It’s a very discreet place. Your pattern will only be visible when you turn your hand over. This way you maintain your privacy and the meaning of the tattoo remains only for your message. It is also great for those who are afraid of the pain that comes with making a pattern. The inner part of the finger has more muscles, so the pain is significantly less.

6. Tattoo made on the middle finger

tattoos on the fingers

The tattoo on the middle finger is the most frequently chosen place.  It is a place  loved  by stars. In fact, it can be said to reflect our rebellious nature. It is a place that will definitely attract attention, also due to the fact that it has the longest finger. It’s also a good solution if you want to go crazy and make a clearer and larger pattern.

7. Heart tattoo on your finger

heart tattoo on the finger which means

This is a very common pattern chosen by women. Usually it is a symbol of love, infatuation and attachment to the chosen one. Some people make a heart on their finger to show love for themselves, a child, a friend. It proves the huge amount of feelings and the need to care for the other person. This is a very visible pattern, so when you just look at your finger, you will immediately bring the love of your life to your thoughts.

8. Rose pattern tattooed on finger

tattoos on the finger inscriptions patterns

Right after the pattern, the heart – rose is the most frequently chosen shape that we make on our hands. This is a temporary tattoo that never really goes out of style. The rose has both spikes and petals, so this is how you express yourself perfectly. You show that life was not too easy for you, but still enjoy what you have and keep going. It is love and passion rolled into one.

9. Can a lion be tattooed on a finger?

tattoos for male fingers

Of course it is. It is also a pattern often chosen by stars such as Cara Delevingne or Anthony Joshua. When deciding on such a tattoo on your finger, choose a qualified tattoo artist who will take care of the smallest details. It is quite a small area of ​​the body, so for the lion to be real, it must be made very precisely. It is also a very strong message for society, namely, it speaks of your nobility, great courage, will to lead. Quite often, such a tattoo is chosen by people born under the sign of a lion.

10. Snake on the finger

tattoos on fingers meaning

It’s fair to say that this bold design looks impressive on the palm of your hand. It is so multifunctional that it will work in any place selected on the body. Therefore, it is still trendy and does not go out of fashion. The general symbolism is transformation, fertility, ingenuity, and wisdom. There are also so universal patterns that both women and men reach for it. The snake takes many forms, from modern to gothic. So, your finger is a great place to get your snake tattooed.

11. The word tattoo on the finger

finger tattoo on hand

Quotes, sentences from your favorite movie or the most read book are a brilliant idea for a tattoo. The fingers are also the perfect place to make it, because they are long and straight, so the whole sentence will certainly fit. It can also be a place to smuggle secret information, perpetuate your dream or your own golden thought. No matter what you choose. The important thing is that the tattoo will look timeless.

12. A delicate butterfly on the finger

tattoo on the finger price

Butterflies are loved by everyone and every time we see them, they are just as impressive. Therefore, it quite often appears on our body in the form of a tattoo. No matter what gender you are, the butterfly suits everyone! A cool alternative is to make it colored.

13. Flowers

tattoo on fingers

It is a universal theme with many meanings. Flowers are characterized by optimism, harmony, joy of life. There are plenty of flower patterns. Before you make it, think about what flower reflects you, your soul – which one suits you best. It can be the top part of the flower itself, as well as the entire flower and stem. The only thing that limits you to its implementation is your imagination. A finger is a really good choice for such a tattoo.

14. Simple and classic dots on the finger

fingers tattoo

It is also number one in 2022. This is a very simple pattern to follow. Nevertheless, the dots carry a certain symbolism. A single period means ending – just like a full stop in a sentence closes a thread. Several dots in a row were once tattooed by members of the porch. Therefore, now it means freedom, living by your own rules. The three dots can be of a religious nature – the symbol of the Holy Trinity.

15. Henna on fingers and hands

fingers tattoo

This is a good solution for people who are not yet fully determined to get a tattoo in the place of the finger or hand. Of course, henna is completely painless, but also not permanent. Stay on the skin for just a few weeks. There has been a long-known dye made of only natural ingredients obtained from plants. Creating henna patterns is considered a work of art. The most commonly used henna tattoos in India and brides make them. If you like such designs straight from India, it’s a great inspiration for a tattoo. When deciding on him, choose a tattoo artist who knows his stuff and performed such miracles is a piece of cake for him.

16. King and queen theme

tattoos on fingers designs

This is a theme that couples often use. It is showing mutual respect. It also symbolizes separate life roles and shows that you fit together perfectly and that you work together on a life plane. It is a very touching pattern. You also pose with such a tattoo the shared devotion and commitment in the relationship.

17. Rosary on the finger

women's tattoos on the fingers

This is a pattern that suits people who are very religious, who are not ashamed of their faith. A person who decides to make a rosary on his hand knows its meaning very well, and reminds him or her of values ​​and beliefs in everyday life. Symbolizes love for God. Undoubtedly, this is a typically Catholic theme, related to the Mother of God. According to people who already have such a theme – the rosary protects against evil, it does not allow you to doubt. It is a blessing and a great power.

18. Arrow-shaped tattoo

tattoo designs tattoos on fingers

This is a stylish yet simple tattoo. It is universal enough to fit any gender. It shows in some way the direction in which we are going in life. It symbolizes taking a step forward, not looking back. It is showing how important your chosen life goals are to you, and the willingness to follow them. The arrow on the finger is motivating. Made on a finger, it is cool enough that you can make it perfectly according to the shape of your finger.

19. Diamond

tattoo on fingers

Not everyone knows that diamond is the hardest mineral in the world. It is very expensive, it is desirable. It shows wealth, power, beauty. Such a pattern will work well anywhere on the body. Some people choose to have a diamond on their finger to celebrate, for example, an engagement day.

20. Moon tattooed on your finger

finger tattoo

It is a modern, quite often chosen pattern. It is no wonder that it was also included in our ranking of the top 35 finger tattoos. The pattern is instantly recognizable and the viewer doesn’t think twice about what it is or what it might mean. The moon, of course, evokes the night – that is, it is a mystery, an unpredictability. It can also suggest an internal change that we have experienced as the moon changes its phases and changes cyclically.

21. Anchor on the toes – does it fit?

small tattoo on the finger

The anchor is most often associated with the sailors’ motif. It simply means a journey – a desire to see the world. It’s safety, hope. The shape of the anchor is perfect for the finger.

22. Pen tattooed on the finger

tattoo on female finger

When you want to show that freedom, comfort and faith guide you in everyday life – this pen will express you perfectly. And this is what birds associate with. T beauty, independence. The feather also perfectly fits the finger due to its shape.

23. Firearms

female finger tattoo

For some, this may be a strange, even controversial, theme. It can be associated with violence, anger and pain. However, it is still quite a popular design among tattoo fans. A weapon is not only a manifestation of aggression – it is also showing your fiery personality, a desire to defend a loved one or even yourself. If you are afraid of judging others – do this on your finger. You will know about it, and the rest of the world will not always notice it.

24. Infinity symbol on the finger

female tattoo on the finger

This pattern is tiny and always – regardless of where it is made – it is subtle. This simple, smooth and fluid eight is characterized by its simplicity. It is performed by men and women. Often, infinity is combined with other elements, such as a cross, feathers or dates of birth or the initials of people close to us.

25. Waves crashing on the edge of the finger

small tattoos on the fingers

This is a fairly new sack that has been appearing more and more often in tattoo studios in 2022. The waves are straight, they even flow on the body and are perfectly displayed on the finger. They are performed by people with a light approach to life, the so-called playfuls. They are people who love freedom, travel and the ocean. They literally go with the flow just like the waves.

26. Moon

finger tattoos

If you prefer subtle and light patterns, the moon on your finger will be a great solution. Make the contour yourself and you will be delighted.

27. Timeless letters

women's finger tattoos

If you do not have a specific idea for tattooing the finger area, single letters are just it. You can make it by choosing a simple font and a fancy and fabulous one. It could be the first letter of your first name or someone close to you.

28. Initials

tattoos on the fingers

Initials are similar to single letters. These can be the initials of any person you choose.

29. Personalized zodiac sign

tattoos on the fingers

These are the motifs chosen quite often and most often at the time of making the first pattern. Each sign of the zodiac is unique and will look divine on your finger. You can go crazy when choosing this theme by combining all kinds of elements with it.

30. Heart tattoo on the finger

heart tattoo on the finger

The heart is a simple sackcloth and can take various sizes. Therefore, when you decide to make it on your finger – a small and tiny shape will also fit.

31. Leaves and branches

tattoos on the fingers of a hand

It sounds pretty dear, but take your word for it that this pattern looks wonderful on your finger. Modest, gentle and charming.

32. Does the laurel wreath fit the finger?

male tattoos on the fingers

If you are concerned about a bad pattern like this, just make the outline.

33. Floral compositions

finger tattoo designs

The flower itself is phenomenal, so the whole range of them in a composition will knock you off your feet! You can also go crazy with colors here.

34. The ribbon

tattoos on the fingers

This is something for people who appreciate minimalism in its literal sense. This is a very modest and delicate touch. Attach a little red to it and it will become more expressive.

35. Flame entwining fingers

fingers tattoos

However, if you are a person who likes attention and loves controversy – then tattoo yourself flames. The fiery lines surrounding the fingers will create a wow effect.

I think you are already convinced that the tattooed fingers make a spectacular impression. Show that you are not afraid of anything, that you are not interested in the opinion of others and that you have nothing to hide. Show your courage by choosing the perfect pattern to match your finger.

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